Millisecond Clock 1.2.0 – Added Battery Level Indicator

Millisecond Clock 1.2.0 Update Notes

The key updates in Millisecond Clock 1.2.0 are as follows

  1. Added Battery Level Indicator
  2. Added Millisecond Digit Display Options
  3. Improvement in Settings Page Design

Battery Level Indicator

With our recent update, you can now effortlessly keep an eye on your device’s battery level, as it’s displayed at the top left corner of your screen. For those who prefer not to have this feature, it’s easy to toggle it on or off in the settings.

Customize Millisecond Display

Previously, milliseconds were displayed with a fixed two-digit format. However, now you have the option to choose how many digits you want to display in the settings.

If you still prefer to display two digits, you can select “Two,” or if you don’t want to display milliseconds at all, you can choose “None.” This will result in displaying only the seconds, as shown in the picture below.


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